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Payments made easy.

Fair pricing customized to your business.
Select a program that fits best for your business or request a custom quote. Below you will find more information about your options.
Say goodbye to processing fees forever.
Dual Pricing is a feature that presents a cash price and a credit card price to the customer, allowing them to decide on their preferred payment method. Vivid offers you a solution to offset 100% of your credit card processing fees.

Vivid's software automatically adjusts the ticket price based on the customer's payment method.

Customers can pay with cards and still get their reward points. If paying with cash, customers are rewards with a discounted price.

Instead of paying 2.5% to 4% on every sale, you keep 100% of your revenue.
How It Compares
Other Processors
Processor Fees
Transaction Fee
Batch Fee
Monthly Fees
Other Hidden Fees
2.5% - 4% of Sales
$0.05 - $0.25
$0.05 - $0.10
$5 - $10 per month
$5 - $30 per month
$5 - $300 per month
2% - 2.5% of Sales
No Hidden Fees
Dual Pricing
No Hidden Fees
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